“Jigsaw Puzzle Game” 
Teams must work together to complete a puzzle as quickly as possible. Initially the teams will be divided and given separate of puzzle pieces. They will think that they are competing against each other and then come to realize that they have no way of completing the puzzle unless they work with the other sub-teams as they hold the missing pieces of the puzzle.
GOAL: To assemble the jigsaw puzzle using the pieces provided, all teams have different puzzle. After creating the picture, they need to chew a sour bubble gum and guess the name of the site.
Congratulation to the team Team A which includes Aileen, Allan, Aniebert, Floredane, Jecris, Jeanex, Kenneth, Mona & Nicko.
Better luck next time to the Team B with Ally, Debbie, Daylin, Jay, Justine, Jayne, Joeven, Melecio, Nathan & Robert.