Say Hello to our newest On the Job Trainee – Dean Kirby Redaniel from St. Dominic Savio Business and Technical College, Inc. Class of June, 2016.
Name: Dean Kirby Natividad Redaniel
Nick Name: Kirby/Red
Age: 21
School Name & City: St. Dominic Savio Business and Technical College, Inc.
Major: Multimedia Arts
Future Career Goals: Respected Professional Teacher on my own field.
Favorite Subject in School: Motion graphics and Film
Hobbies: Music and film production, sketch, photography, travel
Favorite Restaurant or Dish: Cordon Blue
Would you prefer Money or Love? Money, as of the moment.
In your significant other, what would you prefer; Beauty or Brains? Brains, It’s the new sexy.
Dream Destination outside the Philippines: Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
What would you like to learn or experience at OSOmnimedia? Anything that can enhance my skills on my field.
Inquire about our 3 Day Training or OJT Program.