Post OJT Training Interview – Geraldine

Post OJT Training Interview – Geraldine

Geraldine in the left along with his Supervisor Rey

Overall – how was the experience?:
For one month that I have been in Osomnimedia, it was fun and challenging. Fun in a way that the staff is very approachable and friendly. Challenging because it was really a hands on experience. Learning new things in the real job world.

What was the most difficult part about the program at Osomnimedia?:
I think the most difficult part (at first) was copying a certain product in Amazon to Moto because you really need have to focus and be able to understand it on how it really works. But as soon as you would get the pattern in doing it, I realize it was quite fun.

What did you enjoy most about your experience?:
The people in Osomnimedia. The way they treat each other is like a family.

How was the staff, were they easy on you, or too demanding? Why?:
They are very friendly. I like them all.

What are your plans going forward?:
First is pass my thesis project then find a job and one of my list is to apply here in Osomnimedia company.

What advice would you give other students who choose to OJT at Osomnimedia:
Just be yourself and don’t be afraid to ask, cause they are willing to help most specially OJT students.