Overall – how was the experience?:
This will be the best experience working here in Osomnimedia. Experience of what are the things needed if you’re working for real, how to handle simple task that this task may help a lot, and a lot of things Osomnimedia help us.
What was the most difficult part about the program at Osomnimedia?:
The most difficult program is adding item, it needs a lot of focus and it is very complicated if you’re new to this, but I like the experience.
What did you enjoy most about your experience?:
I enjoyed all the experience here. Enjoying working with the employees, knowing them and how they worked.
How was the staff, were they easy on you, or too demanding? Why?:
They’re all nice, they treated us like a family or an old friend and they help us to encourage ourselves by doing the things they do in a good/nice way.
What are your plans going forward?:
One of my plan is to have my own business, which is related to IT course but as of now, I need to finished my studies.
What advice would you give other students who choose to OJT at Osomnimedia:
My advice is just love your work even the task if it is new to you, be like them and have focus, patient and determination. Of course, come early before the work starts.
Thank you for the great experienced and for treating us like your friends or sisters. This training would not be successful without you. Thank you also for letting us work here in Osomnimedia. Godbless!