Roy (or Yoy for short) is now a certified alumni of our Internship Program for students after completing 320 hours of hands on training.
During his two months of internship, Roy felt and experienced first-hand how to be an IT product specialist-trainee. He learned how to work on the Amazon platform, and was assigned to tasks like image editing and search engine optimization.
Thanks to the tutelage of his mentor Allan Maturan, manager for globally renowned brands such as Quiksilver, DC Shoes, Arai and Ogio, Yoy’s internship was a resounding success!
Are you ready to study under our program and gain
valuable experience as an On the Job Trainee?
Congratulations Roy and we wish you all the best on your future endeavours!
Overall – how was the experience?:
At first, we have no idea about the nature of the company. And it challenges me as I’m starting to work because this is my first time to be a part of an e-commerce company. The experience is quite unexpected in a positive way.
What was the most difficult part about the program at Osomnimedia?:
The “first time” part. The first time the task is given to us, the “first time” to see the template to be used, and most especially, the “first time” we became part of the team. The pressure is there.
What did you enjoy most about your experience?:
Meeting new people. I love meeting new people 🙂
How was the staff, were they easy on you, or too demanding? Why?:
Friendly and approachable. Had great conversations and moments and they did not judge me when they heard my story during the devotional activity.
What are your plans going forward?:
After the training, my priority is to finish our capstone project.
What advice would you give other students who choose to OJT at Osomnimedia:
To the students out there who will choose to have their OJT, here at OSOmnimedia, if you have enough skills about computer especially on how to become wiser using it; you must have the basic knowledge on photoshop and most especially, manage your time well both in your work and social life.
NOTE: Open letter
Dear Osomnimedia family,
For the two-months that you accepted us to be part of the company, for the 320 hours working together with the team, for the simple talks we have encountered from the employees, for the higher officers of the company who deepens their patience towards our lates and absences, for giving us a supervisor who listens and understand, and for being our friends and family during our stay, allow me to say, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. We feel being accepted and appreciated. We are blessed being part of the family even at a short period of time. May our paths cross again. Good luck in the future and May the Lord shower more His love to the company.
Ciao. . .
God bless!
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