Month of October 2016 Honorable Mentions

Month of October 2016 Honorable Mentions

Keep integrity and your work ethic intact. So what if that means working a little harder; an honorable character is your best calling card, and that’s something anyone can have! 

~Kathy Ireland


Most Professionally Dressed

1. Justine Calle
2. Loida Macatigbac

Best Attitude

1. Justine Calle
2. Javeth Jayne Marcojos

Monday Merits

Justine Calle
Loida Macatigbac
Aileen Pomento
Allan Maturan, Jr.
Ermelyn Vallecer
Genevieve Ann Ogania
Jeanex Joy Jaum
Kenneth Nagayo
Michael Ferrer
Nathan Saut
Nichole John Ehilla
Pjay Sebua
Floredane Mallorca
Robert Relativo
Vanessa Vickman
Vincent Musne
Javeth Jayne Marcojos
Melecio Bernido, Jr

Saturday Merits

Justine Calle
Loida Macatigbac
Aileen Pomento
Allan Maturan, Jr.
Ermelyn Vallecer
Genevieve Ann Ogania
Jeanex Joy Jaum
Jecris Gallardo
Kenneth Nagayo
Nathan Saut
Nichole John Ehilla
Floredane Mallorca
Robert Relativo
Vincent Musne
Javeth Jayne Marcojos
Melecio Bernido, Jr

No Lates/Undertimes

Justine Calle
Loida Macatigbac
Genevieve Ann Ogania
Jeanex Joy Jaum
Nichole John Ehilla
Javeth Jayne Marcojos

Perfect Attendance

Justine Calle
Loida Macatigbac
Ermelyn Vallecer
Genevieve Ann Ogania
Jeanex Joy Jaum
Nathan Saut
Nichole John Ehilla
Robert Relativo
Javeth Jayne Marcojos
Melecio Bernido, Jr